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Stowarzyszenie Wspólnota Polska

Informujemy, że nasza organizacja otrzymała dotację ze środków Kancelarii Prezesa Rady Ministrów w ramach konkursu Polonia i Polacy za Granicą 2023.

Nazwa zadania publicznego: „Wsparcie struktur organizacji polonijnych w USA i Kanadzie”

NAZWA PROJEKTU: Dofinansowanie Zakupu Strojów Dla Polskiego Zespołu Tańca Ludowego „Polonia” w Reginie

Kwota dotacji 20,000 zł w 2023 r.

We would like to inform you that our organization has received a grant from the funds of the Chancellery of the Prime Minister within the framework of the competition Polonia and Poles Abroad 2023.

The name of the public task: "Support for the structures of Polish organizations in the USA and Canada".

NAME OF PROJECT: Subsidy for the purchase of costumes for the Polish Folk Dance Group "Polonia" in Regina

Grant amount PLN 20,000 in 2023.

Come Dance With Us

4 levels of dance - ages 5 and up
All costumes provided
Perform, travel and have fun

You don't have to be Polish to dance with us - everyone is welcome!

Register Here

Sask LotteriesSask Culture

The Polonia Polish Folk Dance Ensemble would like to thank Sask Lotteries and Sask Culture for supporting the Polonia Polish Folk Dance Ensemble through the Sask Lotteries Trust Fund for Sport, Culture, and Recreation.